Weather Station Features

  • Collects Temperature Data.
  • Displays High & Low Temp for the Day.
  • Collects Humidity Data.
  • Collects Barometric Pressure Data.
  • Calculates Dewpoint Data.
  • Stores Data to SQL Database.
  • Collects Windspeed, Direction & Gust Data.
  • Collects Lightning Strike Data
  • Has Ability to upload data to
  • Sensors are modular.
  • All sensors are not required to get project running.
  • Built using commonly available parts.

Astronomy Features

  • Identifies Observing Site Using GPS.
  • Meters Darkness (Light Pollution) of Observing site
  • Pulls Moon Phase, Rise & Set from NASA.
  • Pulls Sun Rise & Set from NASA.
  • Pulls ClearSkyClock Data.
  • Can be built as a portable unit.

Star Party Features

  • Embeded website is available to everyone on local network.
  • Can operate without internet access as a standalone station.

Future Features

  • Air Traffic flight identification via ADS-B.
  • Space Station & Satellite passover Alerts.

Future Star Party Features

  • Send SMS alert prior to dewpoint.
  • Battery Backup
  • Portable Display